Saturday 11 March 2023

Kutumba Kalyana Card 2023

New opportunity to get govt job, get guaranteed job with this card get this card immediately to get benefit of govt scheme

Hello friends according to the government scheme no one will remain unemployed. Because the government is planning to issue a Parivar Kalyan card on the model of Aadhaar card to know the unemployment rate in the state. This card also has a 12 digit number like Aadhaar card. With this the government will be able to know the statistics of unemployment. The government believes that one family member from each household is associated with employment. Employment also includes other skill development programs including jobs. Family Identity Card is beneficial to a great extent in providing employment to people.

Kutumba Kalyana Card 2023

Notably, during the UP elections, the BJP in its manifesto had promised to provide a source of employment to every family. Tracking family units to identify eligible candidates is a challenge for the state government. Keeping this in mind, UP Government plans to launch UP Parivar Kalyan Card. Under this scheme the family identifies the unit and is issued a family identity card, based on which the family members can be given government schemes and other benefits easily.

The UP government has also taken up with the state governments of Haryana and Karnataka. In this regard the Parivar has taken the advice of Pehachan Patra and launched similar schemes under the banner of Kudumba Card.

Voluntary Enrollment Process: UP Parivar Kalyan Card is issued to family units based on their Aadhaar data.

Under the programme, family units will be allowed to register to get a 12-digit family ID, based on which different members of the family will be identified for availing benefits under government schemes. Currently, registration for UP Parivar Kalyan Card Scheme is kept voluntary and only the beneficiaries of the government scheme have to register for it. The state government is expected to launch the registration portal in the next two weeks.

Details of family members under UP Parivar Kalyan Card are identified based on their Aadhaar data. Beneficiary’s Aadhaar number is not displayed anywhere. Only the last four digits of the identification number are allowed to be used for public purposes.

Residents of UP who have a ration card will be able to use it as their family ID. Individuals and families who do not have a ration card can register for UP Parivar Kalyan Card through the official portal.

This scheme is currently implemented in the state of Uttar Pradesh and will come to the state of Karnataka in the near future as soon as this scheme is implemented we will inform you.



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